Welcome to Issue #36 of Sonic Postcards!
It has felt like a fantastic week for new music. Part of that might have to do with listening to Taylor Swift’s folklore 20 times the past two weeks. It turns out that toddlers love to fall asleep to T-Swift and when you have a sick toddler that you want to sleep, well then that is all you will be listening to.
Anyways, the stand outs for this week are “Sleep Baby” from Kuni and “Waves” from Fionn.
In case you missed it, I shared a link to a mega-playlist that contains all of the Sonic Postcard tracks to date. You can snag the playlist here.
Lastly, one other recommendation for the week is the latest video from professional skier Josh Daiek. The video covers his personal project to explore and ski some of the most remote areas of Nevada, the most mountainous state in the lower 48.