Issue #41
Featuring tracks from Josiah and the Bonnevilles, STACEY, Jeen, Lane 8, Channy Leaneagh, CRi, and The Antlers
Welcome to issue #41 of Sonic Postcards!
In keeping with a recent theme of including covers, the playlist kicks off with a cover of Taylor Swift's "Anti-Hero". I honestly still cannot decide if I love or hate the track. It has all the trappings of overly sincere folk music (looking at you Caamp and Mumford & Sons) that you would find on a "#wanderlust" playlist, yet I keep playing it. makes the playlist.
Continuing with the love/hate theme, one other recommendation for the week is ChatGPT. It is a pretty wild piece of AI technology - think Microsoft Word's Clippy mascot meets Google Search.
From a technical standpoint I love it. From a data provenance standpoint it is pretty troublesome. Like a lot of things, it is perfect for some applications (like as a better Google Search for software engineers), but a Pandora's box for others.
It can be a lot of fun can feed it a prompt like, "Write me a scene from Seinfeld where Kramer opens a night club in Jerry's apartment" and get this in response.
That’s it for this week. Happy listening.